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Signs Better Security Is Needed

Do you feel safe at home or at work? If not, why? Maybe you hadn’t really thought about it but that little nagging voice in the back of your mind says to be more careful. If you think about it, there may be signs telling you to get additional or better security. Here at Locksmith & Key Wauwatosa, we help locals spruce up their home and business security so that enhanced protection is achieved. We decided to list some pointers here for those who wish to do the same. You don’t have to live here in Wauwatosa, WI in order to do this – apply these tips to your situation and locale.

What kind of signs?

Signs that you need better security can be subtle or obvious. If the news is blaring about the sudden increase of robberies, home invasions or sexual assaults in your area, that is pretty obvious. If you hear fear in the voices of your neighbors or property association members, that too can be disconcerting. Maybe you’ve noticed an increase in ambulance or police car sirens on or near your street. Alarm salesmen might be canvassing door to door with greater frequency, too. The trick is to pay attention to these indicators and act on them. Remember that even the best signs are no good to you if you don’t need them! While you mustn’t be paranoid, paying attention to your surroundings is always a good idea. Here’s an example – a short time ago, a video went viral on social media where an elderly couple was exiting their home and walking to their car. First the wife walked out, and then she was followed by her husband. Neither noticed that directly to one side of them was a huge bear! The entire scene was captured on security video but neither noticed a several hundred-pound bear within a few feet of them in plain sight! Fortunately, nothing bad happened. The bear watched them and later left. The couple drove off and never noticed how close they came to disaster. There’s a lesson there for all of us; pay attention to your surroundings!

Notice anything unusual?

Have you ever had the feeling that someone was watching you, only to turn around and someone was? While you can chalk that up to superstition or coincidence, it often happens just like that. The same can go for your safety and well-being. Notice if something is different or out of place at your home, workplace or business. Are there any odd-looking people walking around looking suspicious? Is there an unclaimed or unusual package or backpack just sitting there? Is there a car parked outside that for some reason looks out of place or fishy? Even mailed letters or packages can feel “off” in some way. Don’t become paranoid, but do listen to your gut about your security and protection and do look around and notice your surroundings.

It won’t happen to me syndrome

Some people are just not realistic. They feel like it’s always the other person that “things” happen to. While some seem to live a charmed life, others can be at the wrong place at the wrong time and pay the price. Crime does happen in bad neighborhoods but it also occurs in good ones. Criminals are not always ugly and heroes are not always good looking; that’s just the movies; in real life, it just doesn’t work that way. One reason the serial killer Ted Bundy got away with so many crimes is that people assumed that someone that evil couldn’t possibly look so clean cut and handsome. Wrong! Drug problems, domestic violence, burglaries, white collar fraud and even murder can happen in ghettos as well as in the poshest country clubs. Never assume that you are impervious to any of these issues; no one is!

How can a locksmith help?

Locksmiths are more than just folks who cut keys or help with lockouts. They can also be instrumental in bolstering your security, no matter where in town you are. Call a shop that offers full-service home, auto, and business locksmith service as well 24-hour emergency help if needed. Your locksmiths should be licensed, bonded and insured as well as experienced and fully mobile. Affordability helps of course, so see if they offer free price quotes and get a few to make sure that they are. The point is to be discreet, yet effective. Nothing screams insecurity like steel bars on the windows and doors! You want increased security and extra peace of mind and a good locksmith can help you achieve that. Ask about high security locks which are virtually prick proof and cannot be pried, smashed or even shot open! Look into deadbolts and a good peephole for your front door. Your locksmith can help you add video surveillance to your property that you can even monitor from your mobile device, anywhere in the world. Gun cabinets and commercial safes can help secure your weapons, cash and other valuables.

Rekey your locks

There could be dozens of copies of your house or office key in circulation. Just because a key is turned in doesn’t mean that all the copies of it have. Think about who has or has had copies of your front door key – family members, guests, trusted neighbors, landlords, realtors, property managers, close friends, dog walkers, landscapers; even the original builder might still have a copy! So, what does a rekey do for you? It saves you money for one thing. You don’t need to buy new locks at all; your present lock is left in place. Only the inside pins and springs are changed so that only newly issued keys can be used to open it. All older, original keys are now void and useless. This allows you to start fresh with new keys and only the people you issue them to will have one. 

There’s no way to prevent security problems in your life but you can be wary of the signs that you need to attain better protection.

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